Thursday, December 20, 2012

Meeting Dr. Facilier!

"We have a problem," I told Dr. Facilier. "You see, my friend Ariel, she lost her voice."

Dr. Facilier considered. "Brew her some tea with honey," he suggested.

"Oh," I said. I mean, I didn't REALLY want to call on the Shadow Man for help, but this was just pretend. Wasn't it?

Wait. What's that shadow doing on Duffy?????

Then he had an idea. "Let's get the picture first," he said. Then he asked for Sebastian and Duffy. "Now," he said. "You need those bags over there to continue your journey?"

"Yes," I said. I was rather worried about what he might do to Duffy.

"Now," he said with a sly smile to Ariel, "I'm not gonna give these things back until she says please. And I can wait all night."

All eyes were on Ariel! She cleared her throat and managed to say, "Please."

The spell was broken!

No harm done...but I don't suggest asking Dr. Facilier for help any time soon.